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크롬슈레더 KROM SCHRODER 밸브 및 버터플라이밸브 (Valve and Butterfly valve) 본문

크롬슈레더/【3】Valves and butterfly valves

크롬슈레더 KROM SCHRODER 밸브 및 버터플라이밸브 (Valve and Butterfly valve)

TEL. 02-6228-6161 2020. 1. 13. 15:25

크롬슈레더 (Krom schroder)  

솔레노이드밸브 (Solenoid valve) 버터플라이밸브 (Butterfly valve) 

Solenoid valve  VAS, VCS

Relief valve   VAN

Tightness controll   TC410

Butterfly valve   BVG, BVA, BVH

Butterfly valve   DKR

Solenoid valve   VAD, VAG, VAH, VAV

Solenoid valve   VG

Solenoid valve   VGP

Motorised valve   VK

Solenoid operated butterfly valve for air   MB7, BVHM

Actuator   IC
